In The Street
Saturday, September 8, 2018 || Downtown Frederick, MD
8:45 AM Market Street Mile
11 AM – 5 PM In the Street Festival
Noon – 5 PM Craft Beverage Experience
5-9 PM Up the Creek Party
For over 30 years, In The Street has been a proud Frederick tradition held along Market Street and Carroll Creek Urban Park.
The festival began in 1983 after major renovations closed Market Street for several months. When the dust settled Mayor Ron Young decided to hold a festival for the entire community to encourage reinvestment in downtown. The Festival was held in the street, so the naming of the event was simple. That first In The Street festival boasted 10,000 in attendance. Today, In The Street attracts crowds of over 75,000.
In The Street continues to invite attendees to explore historic downtown Frederick, while offering a sampling of the diverse food, entertainment, art and non-profit resources that thrive in Frederick County.