115 East Church St. Frederick
MD 21701

30th Anniversary of Publication!
Banned in D.C. slideshow, talk and book signing with Cynthia Connolly and preview with film outtakes of Punk the Capital film with James June Schneider, film maker.
Please come to this talk and slideshow with Cynthia Connolly,
publisher and contributing photographer of Banned in D.C. Celebrating the 30th Anniversary of its’ publication, Banned in D.C. (co-authored by Cynthia Connolly, Leslie Clague and Sharon Cheslow) is one of the first of its’ kind, illustrating and documenting the now legendary punk scene of Washington D.C. with hundreds of photos and flyers and stories about the bands, the venues and the people who populated the shows. This particular scene embodied a spirit of DIY that has come to be synonymous with punk, and it has continued to be an influence on many regional punk scenes around the world. For this talk, Cynthia will share her stories and images, some from the book and additional images of ephemera and photos in a quick paced slide show that will tell the story of growing up in Los Angeles where she discovered both art and underground punk music as her calling, and how she got involved in the “scene”. The story unfolds in 1981, with a relocation to Washington, D.C. where we get to learn more of her involvement with a very small group of kids who contributed and created a world-wide inspirational music movement like no other. Nearly 30 years later there is still a demand for Banned in D.C., and Cynthia has produced a seventh edition with an 8 page afterword added, which will be available for $25 cash at the event.
To introduce the talk, there will be 30 minutes of out-takes/short-films made from the soon to be released documentary Punk the Capital, co-created by long-time DC residents and filmmakers James June Schneider and Paul Bishow. The film is the first to portray the birth of the D.C. punk community (circa 1976-1983) and is scheduled for release in early 2019. It follows the explosive and seemingly inevitable rise of D.C. punk, situating its history within the larger narratives of punk and rock ‘n’ roll. Prior to the film’s release, Schneider has assembled numerous stand alone mini-films and specifically for this projection, he assembled rare and unseen material chosen for its connection to Banned in D.C.
Producer/director James June Schneider will be present for the event.� For more information on Punk the Capital go to: http://www.dcpunkrockdoc.info/
More information on Cynthia Connolly: cynthiaconnolly.com