New Year’s with Dickie Blackman

5863f534ef726.imageGood Morning…Today is January 1st, 2018 and it is the most depressing day of the year. This day is simply a human created snapshot in time that mankind has agreed to call, “New Years Day”. I hate this day and I’ll tell you why, but first I would like to say that I am not a depressing type of person. Normally, I am mostly optimistic and objective about life…I just hate the milestone marker of the so-called new year.

As an aside, I woke up this morning and greeted the new year completely naked and very early in the morning. Why was I naked, you ask? Because I took off all of my clothing before passing out into the warm folds of some flannel sheets, silly! Anyway, it is always weird to wake up naked. As you may have guessed, I closed the old year like many humans, by drinking alcohol. On that last day of the year, of which was agreed to be called 2017, I chose to share it with my old-time friends Gin and Tonic. I love G&T. They are always there for me and they consistently leave me feeling about as normal as humanly possible the following day. I was, however, met with the horror of yet another new year and with it…its expected expectations.

New years day is a reminder to do something…anything. We all have to promise to not do that thing that is unproductive for us, or to make sure to do that thing that we promised to do 365 days ago. Then, at the end of the year, we are reminded of all of the noteworthy events that we are supposed to care about. I don’t have a best of the year list. Would you like to know why? It’s because last year was just like the year before and before that another exercise in struggling to keep our heads above water. My goal every day is to attempt to be as happy as humanly possible; therefore, the days of our calendar are really of no consequence. The use of the word “happy” in that last sentence should in no way connote a blissed-out type of meaning. I simply want to feel ok and I believe that I should not have to put a label on everything. Social media has turned normal, everyday people into beings whom we should somehow care about. Under normal circumstances, we would never be as mindful as we are now about other people’s stuff. Do you need a resolution? Then resolve to engage with people like a normal human being. If you have no idea what that means, then you will probably consult the Cloud.

I hate the idea of new year resolutions. It is a determined mental pledge that is doomed to fail. Either you do something or you do not do something. A day of the week or a special day of the year should not be the ultimate determining factor of whether or not we should decide to do something. We either do it or we don’t do it. I simply don’t recognize this unusual gray area. If I don’t do something on say, October 22nd, it means that I don’t want to do it. January 1st will not change the fact that I don’t want to do it. If you really want to stop smoking, lose weight, make up with your long, lost prodigal daughter…etc, well, you will do it when the time is right. You want a resolution? Then, maybe you can resolve to stop making silly excuses for yourself. You do not need the societal pressure of a firm date.

So, to sum things up…guys! Nobody wants to see your penis. If your instinct tells you to forcibly kiss someone, then do the opposite. Simply keep your hands to yourself and don’t bite your friends. Have a happy life.

nuff said…

Dickie Blackman

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